Author: Lisa Lindeman, Ph.D.

What Do You Feel When You Hear the Word “Happy”?

What Do You Feel When You Hear the Word “Happy”?

When I was a student at Berkeley in the late 90s, I often passed by a man in Sproul Plaza who stood on a crate or a bucket, held up a sign, and yelled nothing but, “Happy! Happy! Happy!” I don’t recall what was on the sign. I do remember thinking, “What is he going to accomplish just by yelling out that word?” “Happy” is a word that loses much of its meaning when you’re not feeling it. In the midst of sadness or anxiety, the word “happy” carries about as much flavor as “nice” or “fine.”

Inviting Happiness

Inviting Happiness

You don’t create happiness exactly. You don’t get it either. Happiness arises when conditions both within you and outside of you make it possible. You control some of those conditions. Others you can only invite, but your power to invite them is greater when you understand how.

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